Monday, November 24, 2014

The beep that can't be turned off

I have come across a few Dell laptops that will have a CRAZY LOUD beep while doing different things.  Nothing I have come up with will turn the beep off short of cutting the speaker wire (which a lot of people have resorted to).   After scouring forums on the interwebs it appears to be a problem that is not fixable in the normal sense.  The only fix I found was to trick the beep.   Below are instructions on how to out smart the pesky beep.

1. Open the Start>Accessories>Entertainment>Sound Recorder
2. Do a File>Save
3. Name it Quiet.wav
4. Save the blank WAV file to C:\Windows\Media
5. Open the Start>Control Panel> Sounds and Audio Devices
6. Set the sound scheme to "No Sounds"
7. Assign the Blank.Wav to the [Default Beep]
8. Save your sound scheme as another name
9. Click Apply

I found the fix here

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