Monday, November 24, 2014

The beep that can't be turned off

I have come across a few Dell laptops that will have a CRAZY LOUD beep while doing different things.  Nothing I have come up with will turn the beep off short of cutting the speaker wire (which a lot of people have resorted to).   After scouring forums on the interwebs it appears to be a problem that is not fixable in the normal sense.  The only fix I found was to trick the beep.   Below are instructions on how to out smart the pesky beep.

1. Open the Start>Accessories>Entertainment>Sound Recorder
2. Do a File>Save
3. Name it Quiet.wav
4. Save the blank WAV file to C:\Windows\Media
5. Open the Start>Control Panel> Sounds and Audio Devices
6. Set the sound scheme to "No Sounds"
7. Assign the Blank.Wav to the [Default Beep]
8. Save your sound scheme as another name
9. Click Apply

I found the fix here

Friday, November 21, 2014

Redeploying software through Group Policy that has already been installed

I'm playing around with installing apps from group policy.  Found out that if you uninstall an application from a computer group policy it will not try to re-install it again.  You could create new GPO and only target the computers that need it OR, to have GP re-install it just delete the key that references the software you are pushing out at.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Group Policy\AppMgmt\

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Removing the Trojan.Poweliks virus - DLLhost.exe high CPU

I have seen two computers with this virus (Poweliks) in the last week. They both had DLLhost.exe taking up 100% of the CPU.   I have been working on trying to remove this virus for a few days now with no success but I finally found something that worked!

Norton has released a scanner specifically for this virus.  Hope this helps someone else.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Free open source file and partition recovery software

Free open source file and partition recovery software.