Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Point-to-Point Wireless equipment

For about $100.00 setup a point-to-point wireless network at 150+ Mbps and up to 15Km line of site range.

Ubiquiti Networks

Ubiquiti's Nano Station Very cool.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Free Software Based Enterprise/SMB Firewalls

Buying a traditional appliance based firewall for a business can be expensive. The base models are normally reasonably priced but you get poor performance and none of the bells and whistle's that the expense ones give you. Your also locked into the appliance hardware so the only way to upgrade to better performance is to purchase a brand new firewall and the price curve for better performance normally shoots straight up.

Because of the lack of performance and lack of functionality of the lower end Firewall appliances I have been testing out a few free software based firewalls. The cool thing about software based firewalls is your only limited by the hardware that you install it on. A lot of times and old PC (P3 or P4) will out perform the low end appliances. A bunch of the free open source firewall projects include advanced features like RAIDing your hard drives, clustering multiple devices, Quality of Service, Captive Portal, web filtering, Intrusion Prevention (Snort), and real-time Anti-virus scanning of email and websites.

Here are a few of the larger open source projects that I've been testing.